Marianne Williamson Event

In Inspirational/Motivational Pictures by Chris Nicholas

06.14.16 Tues - Marianne Willimason.01_00_17_05.Still001

Video Blog #1 – Saw Marianne Williamson last night

I’m proving to myself that video blogging is going to be easy.  I hope this posts inspires some people to check out some of Marianne Williamson’s work.  Her words are beautifully put together and they have so much positivity behind them.  Here’s my brief video about seeing her last night.

Transcription of the video:

Hey everybody!  I just wanted to say good morning.  Last night I went and saw Marianne Williamson.  She’s like, if you don’t know, she’s like a spiritual speaker, she’s like a rock star in the spiritual New Age spiritual world.  She used to perform every Monday night at the Saban Theatre in Los Angeles and then she moved to New York and I guess she’s coming back like once a month now.  And last night she, her book came out today a new book, I think it’s called, Tears to Triumph and I was kind of about grief, about losing my job or ending a relationship or loss of a loved one.  She spoke a lot about Orlando, the shooting in Orlando.  It was really inspiring and she ended up with a really beautiful like ten minute meditation and there was a guy that was playing like really amazing music next to her.  So, I highly recommend if you don’t know go to and she has so many amazing books.  Go to the library and check it out first before you invest anything make sure you leave for work but I mean I have so many of her audio programs, her guided meditations and all your books.  I love listening to stuff like that when I walk my dogs or if I hike or if I just feel stressed out.  I really think you should check it out and have a great Tuesday!  Cheers, take care, bye!